Brennan Manning Quotes
Top 100 wise famous quotes and sayings by Brennan Manning
Brennan Manning Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Brennan Manning on Wise Famous Quotes.
You tell others about Me - that I am a loving God. Your words are glib. My words are written in the blood of My only Son.
God loves you unconditionally, as you are and not as you should be, because nobody is as they should be.
Genuine self-acceptance is not derived from the power of positive thinking, mind games or pop psychology. IT IS AN ACT OF FAITH in the God of grace.
Silence is not simply the absence of noise or the shutdown of communication with the outside world, but rather a process of coming to stillness.
As Emile Leger said when he left his mansion in Montreal to go live in a leper colony in Africa, The time for talking is over.
I knew there was only one place to go. I sank down into the center of my soul, grew still, and listened to the Rabbi's heartbeat.
I believe that Christianity happens when men and women experience the reckless, raging confidence that comes from knowing the God of Jesus Christ.
The secret of the mystery is: God is always greater. No matter how great we think Him to be, His love is always greater.
Faith means believing that I am Yours and You are mine, that I am who You say I am: Your beloved, fearfully and wonderfully accepted.
Today on planet Earth, may you experience the wonder and beauty of yourself as Abba's Child and temple of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ
Only reckless confidence in a Source greater than ourselves can empower us to forgive the woulds inflicted by others.
My deepest awareness of myself is that I am deeply loved by Jesus Christ and I have done nothing to earn it or deserve it.
We must go out into a desert of some kind (your backyard will do) and come into a personal experience of the awesome love of God.
Our culture says that ruthless competition is the key to success. Jesus says that ruthless compassion is the purpose of our journey.
I you think you've done it, then you're wrong. Because you're not finished until you have achieved everything that you never thought you could.
The Good News of the gospel of grace cries out: We are all, equally, privileged but unentitled beggars at the door of God's mercy!
The deepest desire of our hearts is for union for God. God created us for union with himself. This is the original purpose of our lives.
Moralism and its stepchild, legalism, reduce the love story of God for his people to the observance of burdensome duties and oppressive laws.
Childlike in faith means the daily acknowledgment of utter dependence and that I owe my life and being to another.
God loves us as we are ... not as we ought to be. because we are never going to be as we ought to be.
Brennan Manning
Brennan Manning
Jesus comes for sinners, for those outcast ... and those caught up in squalid choices and failed dreams.
Real freedom is freedom from the opinions of others. Above all, freedom from your opinions about yourself.
And though it is true that the church must always dissociate itself from sin, it can never have any excuse for keeping any sinner at a distance
Don't try to understand it. You won't succeed. Don't try to see it. You can't. Try to live it, and you will be living out of the center.
Hope knows that if great trials are avoided great deeds remain undone and the possibility of growth into greatness of soul is aborted.
Grace is sufficient even though we huff and puff with all our might to try and find something or someone that it cannot cover. Grace is enough.
Christianity is not an ethical code. It is a love affair, a Spirit-filled way of living aimed at making us professional lovers of God and people.
There is a beautiful transparency to honest disciples who never wear a false face and do not pretend to be anything but who they are.
When we get waylaid from our walk with God by busyness, depression, family problems, or worse, God does not abandon us.
Authentic Christianity should lead to maturity, personality, and reality. It should fashion whole men and women living lives of love and communion
When our inner child is not nurtured and nourished, our minds gradually close to new ideas, unprofitable commitments and the surprises of the Spirit.
The daring metaphor of Jesus as bridegroom suggests that the living God seeks more than an intimate relationship with us.
On one level, a roomful of men is always a dangerous thing. Competition is usually in the air, so the potential for violence is always nearby.
The gospel declares that no matter how dutiful or prayerful we are, we can't save ourselves. What Jesus did was sufficient.
The more guilt and shame that we have buried within ourselves, the more compelled we feel to seek relief through sin.
If asked whether I am finally letting God love me, just as I am, I would answer, 'No, but I'm trying.
The awesome love of our invisible God has become both visible and audible in Jesus Christ, the glory of the only Son filled with enduring love.
When we wallow in guilt, remorse, and shame over real or imagined sins of the past, we are disdaining God's gift of grace.
The men and women who are truly filled with light are those who have gazed deeply into the darkness of their own imperfect existence.
I am convinced that without a gutlevel experience of our profound spiritual emptiness, it is not possible to encounter the living God.
We can only sense ourselves and our world valued and cherished by God when we feel valued and cherished by others '.
For me the most radical demand of Christian faith lies in summoning the courage to say yes to the present risenness of Jesus Christ.
In my experience, self-hatred is the dominant malaise crippling Christians and stifling their growth in the Holy Spirit.
Men and women whose outlook on life is conditioned by the Dow are shrewder on the street than are the disciples on their spiritual journey.