Jill Shalvis Quotes
Top 100 wise famous quotes and sayings by Jill Shalvis
Jill Shalvis Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Jill Shalvis on Wise Famous Quotes.

The bigger part hoped he was in the shower.

And he was different because she wanted him in her life in a way she hadn't wanted anyone for a very long time.
Maybe ever.

"Sawyer hates when people do that. It's a whole bunch of paperwork.

and right then and there, he fell in love.
-Animal Magnetism

"You know why." Yeah, she did. "It's science." "Combustible chemistry," he agreed. "Dangerous.

You are the one i was waiting for, when i didn't even realize i was waiting.
-dr. Emma Sinclair-

"You have to earn the crazy," Grace said. "You're not old enough yet.

And officially hot.

-It worked to our advantage. You kept the bears scared off.

"We weren't ever really friends," Ali admitted. "I'm too jealous of your hair.