Orrin Woodward Quotes
Top 100 wise famous quotes and sayings by Orrin Woodward
Orrin Woodward Famous Quotes & Sayings
Discover top inspirational quotes from Orrin Woodward on Wise Famous Quotes.
Vision and persistence will take you to the top of the leadership mountain, but only humility will keep you there.
The only thing you can take with you when you die is what you are. Character counts more than possessions.
The only thing tougher than developing leadership skills is attempting to be successful without them.
What you know has produced what you have; if you're not happy with what you have, then improve what you know.
You can either hold onto your dream by letting go of your excuses or hold onto your excuses by letting go of your dream.
It's easier to teach a hungry person how to be sharp than it is to teach a sharp person how to be hungry.
Leverage is the ability to apply positive pressure on yourself to follow through on your decisions even when it hurts.
The greatest leaders are reluctant ones who lead because they realize that no one else seems willing to step up.
Either you have dreams big enough to overcome your fears or you have fears big enough to overcome your dreams.
You must believe to see, see to do, do to improve, and improve consistently to win; therefore, believing is the key to winning.
Every right that we enjoy has a corresponding duty to not interfere with the enjoyment of the same right by others.
Success is 3Ms: Your vision produces the Map; your actions produce the Motion; your persistence produces Monetary rewards.
Winners see the dream and develop plans while the rest see the obstacles and develop justifications.
Leaders begin with a different question than others. Replacing who can I blame with how am I responsible?
Average leaders raise the bar on themselves; good leaders raise the bar for others; great leaders inspire others to raise their own bar.
Your dominant thoughts from your past have produced your today. Your dominant thoughts today will produce your future.
The only place where compensation comes before service is in the dictionary or anywhere the government meddles.
Truth is only sweet to the ears only after a person is sick of drinking the vinegar of repeated failures.
Successful people work hard on the right things b/c working hard on the wrong things only makes one worn out while failing.
You learn from mistakes so the best leaders are constantly making new mistakes on their success journey.
The art side of leadership involves orchestrating another performer's science to produce the desired result.
Self-denial in the pursuit of purpose generates true pleasure while self-indulgence in the pursuit of pleasure generates true misery.
The ability to focus is the key separation point between those who move ahead and those who fall behind.
Absolute money (gold) makes limited-states and localized-wars (Pre-1913); Substitute money (fiat) makes Absolute States & Wars (Post-1913)
Free society's organize around the "invisible hand" while Force society's organize around the State's "visible fist.
Rejecting God's truth b/c of mankind's hypocrisy is like rejecting mathematical truth b/c mankind's incompetence.
All leaders model and message; unfortunately, most would-be leaders model doesn't align with their message.