Alice Wonderland Quotes
Collection of top 93 famous quotes about Alice Wonderland
Alice Wonderland Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational Alice Wonderland quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.

- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland, Ch. 1 — Lewis Carroll

A line came to him: It would be so nice if something made sense for a change. — Eoin Colfer

Duchess: They can, and most of 'em do. — Rod Espinosa

pg. 52// A Coney Island of the Mind — Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Her voice smelled like an orange,
though I'd never peeled an orange.
I knocked on the walls, in a circle. — Yusef Komunyakaa

Alice: Why, don't you mean impossible?
Door: No, I do mean impassible. (chuckles) Nothing's impossible! — Lewis Carroll

My hope is standing
He walked with the speed of memories — Lewis Carroll

'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked. — Lewis Carroll

Only if you believe it is. — Lewis Carroll

"The uninformed must improve their deficit, or die."
_Cheshire Cat — Lewis Carroll

Why, yes, I would enjoy a cup of tea. I take mine with lots of cream, and no tea. Thank you. — Marissa Meyer

turn your toes out when you walk
And remember who you are! — Lewis Carroll