Anna Akhmatova Quotes
Collection of top 61 famous quotes about Anna Akhmatova
Anna Akhmatova Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational Anna Akhmatova quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.

Nor under foreign wings protected -
I shared all this with my own people
There, where misfortune had abandoned us. — Anna Akhmatova

The dust - of sunlight
The mouth of a young girl, like a violet
But gold - smells of nothing. — Anna Akhmatova

I need to slaughter memory,
Turn my living soul to stone
Then teach myself to live again. — Anna Akhmatova

Happiness is not for me. — Anna Akhmatova

Nobody dared. — Anna Akhmatova

With the dry tips of his fingers.
Tell me how men kiss you.
Tell me how you kiss. — Anna Akhmatova

But I don't want, don't want, don't want
To know how they kiss each other. — Anna Akhmatova

Death will kiss me. — Anna Akhmatova

and life-in-death, and something else
I'd rather not recall just now. — Anna Akhmatova

Not my voice, but my silence — Anna Akhmatova

We don't raise our eyes to one another,
But we ourselves won't guarantee
What could happen to us in an hour. — Anna Akhmatova

Lying on my life. — Anna Akhmatova

Or by some delirium swayed
That I conjure up misfortune:
It is just my trade. — Anna Akhmatova

Protect my life, my dear.
They're brighter than first violets,
But deadly to me, I fear. — Anna Akhmatova

I will condemn, I will forget, I will give comfort to the enemy,
Darkness will be light and sin lovely. — Anna Akhmatova

That lies upon my life. — Anna Akhmatova

a terrible festival of dead leaves. — Anna Akhmatova

The taste of the tears of yesterday. — Anna Akhmatova

The sky is high, the mountain wind is sweeping,
And all my thoughts are innocent and pure. — Anna Akhmatova

What else lived in that house besides us? — Anna Akhmatova

And again there was silence, and again the ghost
of summer. — Anna Akhmatova

The delicate daisy petals.
Everyone on earth is destined to feel
The torments of love. — Anna Akhmatova