Denise's Quotes
Collection of top 100 famous quotes about Denise's
Denise's Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational Denise's quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.

of fog in the
black firtrees are flakes
of white ash in the world's hearth. — Denise Levertov

of speech a spark
awaiting redemption, each
a virtue, a power
in abeyance ... — Denise Levertov

Truth's light at strange turns of the mind's road,
wrong turns that lead
over the border into wonder ... — Denise Levertov

of world's end is the old threat. — Denise Levertov

of frayed rusty scrapiron,
is it the sea that shines?
Is it a road at the world's edge? — Denise Levertov

alder was heavy, listless,
its leaves studded with galls,
growing wherever we didn't
want it. — Denise Levertov

in a sudden line of poetry. — Denise Levertov

of neighboring with eagles, of knowing
a mountain's vast presence, seen or unseen. — Denise Levertov