False And True Quotes
Collection of top 97 famous quotes about False And True
False And True Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational False And True quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.

"Well, yeah. There are questions and answers. True or false, multiple choice, essay. What's not to love? — Nora Roberts

"All of them. The true and the false alike. If they would claim the realm, let them defend it. — George R R Martin

And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man. — William Shakespeare

'When it is false I do. The difficulty is to know when it is false and when it is true. — Anthony Trollope

As I am subtle, false, and treacherous,
This day should Clarence closely be mewed up ... — William Shakespeare

True/False — Kiese Laymon