Kristie Quotes
Collection of top 33 famous quotes about Kristie
Kristie Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational Kristie quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.

that sticks in my throat
teaching me to whisper
with the voice of my heart. — Jessica Kristie

and place them at your feet,
to measure the distance
between dreams and reality. — Jessica Kristie

As I search for hope,
In the same eyes
I lost it. — Jessica Kristie

on the end of my pen.
Teetering between love
and letting go. — Jessica Kristie

In the echo of your silence. — Jessica Kristie

like clay pigeons
by bad shots
and unsteady hands. — Jessica Kristie

The fall is quick,
and permanent. — Jessica Kristie

buried between
my ribs and letting go,
I miss you. — Jessica Kristie

Kristie Leigh Maguire — Vicki M. Taylor

in wishing wells,
whispering in the wind...
that's where I find you. — Jessica Kristie

The me
without you. — Jessica Kristie

and I don't miss you anymore.
You delivered silence
I've birthed freedom. — Jessica Kristie

so devastating
as in the lines
that trace our hope
and fall from the stars. — Jessica Kristie

Blown easily to pieces
and offered to the sky
by the sweet laced pain
upon your lips. — Jessica Kristie

externally and within. — Kristie LeVangie