Love This Life Quotes
Collection of top 100 famous quotes about Love This Life
Love This Life Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational Love This Life quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.

I would really love to listen to his success story. — Toba Beta

The darkness is a gift,
And when you realise this,
You will never be defeated
Again. — Nikki Rowe

Love is the very foundation, beauty and fulfillment of life. — Mata Amritanandamayi

But in the heart of the Soul you are neither.
This is why Love is blind. — C.C. Campbell

And the first time you touched me, I felt love
And after all this time,
You're still the one I love. — Shania Twain

we call it life. — Anne Carson

that when you come acrost it
you'd best grab ahold,
and hang on for dear life. — Pamela Morsi

It does not have the power to kill you. But it has the power to bring you to life — David Levithan

I learn to deal with heartbreak..
I learn to forgive him who hurts.
I never stop learning in this life. — Toba Beta