My Ring Quotes
Collection of top 100 famous quotes about My Ring
My Ring Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational My Ring quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.

Even so thy breast encloseth my poor heart; Wear both of them, for both of them are thine. — William Shakespeare

And how it slips through my fingers
Without putting its ring on them,
And I remain simply its lover — Visar Zhiti

"Jesus Christ, woman. — Alice Clayton

"Here we say tomato sauce and chips."
"Doesn't have quite the same ring. — Lia Riley

And, though my heart be broken,
Here is a ring, as token
That I am happy now! — Edgar Allan Poe

"And your tat," she said, a smile in her voice. — Jamie McGuire

So I unto my selfe alone will sing,
The woods shall to me answer and my Eccho ring. — Edmund Spenser