Nafs Quotes
Collection of top 27 famous quotes about Nafs
Nafs Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational Nafs quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.
Nothing kills the soul that commands to evil (Nafs al Ammarra) like seeing the beauty of the heart.
— Shams Tabrizi
Change your 'Nafs', change the world.
— Nouman Ali Khan
I know my dreams will be of you, and I'm not sure how I'll stay away from you in the morning.
— Kelli Maine
When I take the mound in Yankee Stadium I feel like my stuff is going to be better than ever.
— Andy Pettitte
Play The Game or Get Played.
— Ziad K. Abdelnour
Manhattan is increasingly less available to average-income earners.
— Janine Di Giovanni
Keep your head up. Keep your heart strong
— Ben Howard
Your nafs (soul/desires) is your first battlefield. If you are victorious over it, then you will find the other battlefields easier.
— Hassan Al-Banna
If you want an enemy, the soul (nafs) is sufficient. If you want advice, death is sufficient.
— Said Nursi
Constantly strive for mastery and grace.
— Dan John
In the hands of a passive-aggressive person who wants to abdicate responsibility for things, texting is a great tool. You can really go nuts.
— Mallory Ortberg
All human history moves towards one great goal
— James Joyce
Writing is taking the demons out for a walk.
— Gwen Calvo
For every Pharoah there is a Moses.
— Idries Shah
...the first Allied troops cantered eastward in the rollicking high spirits obligatory at the beginning of all military debacles.
— Rick Atkinson
Feminism is small revolutions, every day
— Manju Kapur
Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul, which sometimes helps me and sometimes opposes me.
— Al-Ghazali
Money closes more than mouths, it closes minds.
— Barbara Cleverly
Life might end but result of a good action will last forever.
— Debasish Mridha