Publicists For Authors Quotes
Collection of top 9 famous quotes about Publicists For Authors
Publicists For Authors Quotes & Sayings
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If (or rather when) you move to death, you'll learn its language through the educational process known as total immersion. (7)
— Sandra M. Gilbert
Art is recuperation from time. I lie back convalescing upon the prospect of a harvest already at hand.
— R.S. Thomas
Men are generally more law-abiding than women. Women have the feeling that since they didn't make the rules, the rules have nothing to do with them.
— Diane Johnson
The authors whose books get published - once accepted as a reclusive breed - are now vetted by publicists to make sure they're talk-show ready.
— Susan Cain
Milton Friedman's misfortune is that his economic policies have been tried.
— John Kenneth Galbraith
Remember, writing poetry is like making love: one will never know whether one's own pleasure is shared.
— Cesare Pavese
When the hate don't work , they start telling lies.
— Werley Nortreus
Jenny the junkie now seemed like Jenny the genius.
— Kate Stewart