Shortcut Quotes
Collection of top 83 famous quotes about Shortcut
Shortcut Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational Shortcut quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.

No tollways to be wise. — Toba Beta

a shortcut
to your heart
instead I got lost
in the wilderness
of my own desire. — Pamela August Russell

'In small towns news travel at the speed of boredom'. — Carlos Luiz Zafon

"Can you give us a real name for our records?"
"Mr. Shortcut. — Michael La Ronn

A. Stop looking for shortcuts. — Jose N. Harris

"Or the shortcut? You have to be cold-"
"Long way," I replied. "The long way, for sure. — Maureen Johnson

There is no shortcut home! — Robert Tepper