Strings Of Life Quotes
Collection of top 34 famous quotes about Strings Of Life
Strings Of Life Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational Strings Of Life quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.

You come and play with my strings
No one can see or feel it but I do
You are my love. — Debasish Mridha

And dies if one be gone.
Strange! that a harp of thousand strings
Should keep in tune so long. — Isaac Watts

And handed me to Sorrow,
The only kind of middle wife
My folks could beg or borrow. — Countee Cullen

a Life is Lived and Ends...
Play your music well, It's All you have to Give — Dr. Marc

I am shamed through all my nature to have lov'd so slight a thing. — Alfred Lord Tennyson

Your life is no longer your own. — Howard Fast