Timothy Joshua Quotes
Collection of top 36 famous quotes about Timothy Joshua
Timothy Joshua Quotes & Sayings
Happy to read and share the best inspirational Timothy Joshua quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes.

you are all the flowers in the world
and I promise that my heart will always be its garden. — Timothy Joshua

but my day is never complete
without at least an hour of your time. — Timothy Joshua

They may cut, but they also reflect. — Timothy Joshua

yet it felt like a life sentence. — Timothy Joshua

we were but passing trains;
on parallel lines,
destined to never meet. — Timothy Joshua

of my day and my night. — Timothy Joshua

than sleeping and dreaming beside you -
It's like having a dream within a dream. — Timothy Joshua

he was, a dash. — Timothy Joshua

than us,
making memories of us. — Timothy Joshua